Plow Pose - Halasana

Plow Pose - YanvaYoga


Plow Pose is an inverted yoga posture that stretches the spine and shoulders while rejuvenating the nervous system. Because the pose calms and relaxes the nerves, brain, and heart, it is traditionally practiced near the end of a yoga class to help prepare the practitioner for Corpse Pose (Savasana) and meditation.

The Sanskrit name for the pose, “Halasana” (hah-LAHS-uh-nuh), comes from two words:

  • “Hala” — meaning “plow”
  • “Asana” — meaning “pose”

It is named after the shape of an Indian plow, which is used to cultivate the land. In practice, the pose’s soothing and revitalizing aspects prepare the landscape of your mind, body, and spirit for deep contemplation and renewal.

Pose Detail

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Start from Supported Shoulderstand / Salamba Sarvangasana and lower the feet to the floor hanging from the hips.
Step 2
Alternatively, lie on your back with your upper back on a sturdy folded blanket, your head resting on the mat, so the blanket ends in the hollow of the neck. As you exhale, draw your lower belly into your spine and firm your back into the floor.
Step 3
Press your arms into the floor, inhale and lift your legs over your head towards the floor. Stretch out through the heels.
Step 4
Walk your shoulders towards each other, keep your chin slightly up and place your hands on your lower back for support.
Step 5
Press through the arms, shoulders, and feet if they are on the floor.
Step 6
Keep the spine long, tailbone reaching to the ceiling, and hips over your shoulders.
Step 7
Stay for 5 to 10 breaths.
Step 8
To come out of the pose, release your hands and bring your arms back on the floor next to you, palms down and roll out of the pose as you exhale.

Benefits and Contraindications


Improves Digestive System

Relieves Back Pain

Relieves Stress

Helps To Manage Diabetes

Therapeutic for Leg Cramps

Improves Blood Circulation

Strengthens Immune System




Cervical instability

Vision issues (Retinal Detachment, Nearsightedness, Сataract etc)

Multiple sclerosis

Brain tumors


Head injuries


Any inflammatory processes in the body

Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props & Tips

While performing the asana, make sure that your neck is free, the spine should not touch the floor, and the head can be freely risen above the mat.

Use a yoga strap if you can’t bring your palms together behind your back.

Frequently Asked Questions


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Iana Varshavska
Iana Varshavska
Website administrator

A digital marketer in love with yoga and everything that goes along with it. In 2021, her huge passion for yoga led her to yoga teacher trainings. After successfully completing her studies, Iana received her Yoga Alliance U.S. certification, left the corporate IT world and devoted herself to the development of Yanva. To be able to create the best online yoga space for yoga enthusiasts like her, Iana is constantly learning and improving her skills in various aspects of yoga philosophy, anatomy and biomechanics. Since 2021, she has continued to attend various types of teacher training, including yoga therapy, gives online and offline classes, and conducts local workshops for people who want to learn more about yoga. At the moment, Iana continues to work on her personal practice, improving her hand balancing skills, as well as developing her own training programs.