Legs Up To The Wall Pose - Viparita Karani

Legs Up To The Wall Pose (front) - Iana Varshavska


Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose) is a Sanskrit term that refers to the ‘action of inverting’. Thus it is more of a general action rather than an asana and hence the name does not end with ‘asana’. Viparita Karani is an inversion under the category of shoulder stand poses, but is easier to hold for extended periods of time. It is also considered as a restorative pose and hence releases tension in the body and mind.

Viparita Karani can be done after the practice of the following poses to relax the legs:

  • Halasana (Plough Pose)
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
  • Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Legs Up The Wall Pose is considered a base pose as legs up the wall pose variations can be derived from this pose. Legs Up The Wall Pose uses props to make the pose accessible and easier for students who may not have the needed strength, flexibility or balance to do the same pose without props. Legs Up The Wall Pose is considered a warm-up yoga pose to prepare the body for more intense yoga poses / yoga flows.

Pose Detail

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Start by sitting next to the wall with the left hip touching the wall.
Step 2
Gently turn your body and bring the legs up the wall.
Step 3
Lower your back, shoulders, and head onto the mat. If you would like a little more support you can bring a bolster or blanket under the spine.
Step 4
Shimmy from side to side to get your buttocks as close to the wall as possible.
Step 5
Rest the arms alongside the body with the palms facing upwards.
Step 6
Allow the thigh bones to rest in their sockets.
Step 7
Stay here for 5-10 minutes while you focus breathing deeply and consciously.
Step 8
To release Viparita Karani, gently use your hands to push yourself away from the wall and bring the legs back down. Press back up into a seated position with your back leaning against the wall for support.

Benefits and Contraindications


Relieves tired or cramped legs and feet

Gently stretches the back legs, front torso, and the back of the neck

Calms the mind





Photo poses in different angles


Viparita Karani is a “feel-good” pose — that is, it should feel good, even for beginners! If you have any discomfort, be sure to make whatever adjustments you need to make. Keep the following information in mind when practicing this pose:

  • Breathe consciously throughout the pose. Continually bringing your awareness back to your breath will help relax your mind and body even further, preparing your body for a deep, renewing state of health and well-being.
  • It might feel awkward getting into the pose the first few times you try it. Don’t worry about that, and take your time getting there correctly. Once you’re in the pose, you will gain all the benefits!

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Legs Up With Strap
  • Reclined Legs Raised Pose Blankets Feet Chair
  • Reclined Legs Raised Pose Chair Blanket Bolster
  • Legs Up The Wall Pose Bolster

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Iana Varshavska
Iana Varshavska
Website administrator

A digital marketer in love with yoga and everything that goes along with it. In 2021, her huge passion for yoga led her to yoga teacher trainings. After successfully completing her studies, Iana received her Yoga Alliance U.S. certification, left the corporate IT world and devoted herself to the development of Yanva. To be able to create the best online yoga space for yoga enthusiasts like her, Iana is constantly learning and improving her skills in various aspects of yoga philosophy, anatomy and biomechanics. Since 2021, she has continued to attend various types of teacher training, including yoga therapy, gives online and offline classes, and conducts local workshops for people who want to learn more about yoga. At the moment, Iana continues to work on her personal practice, improving her hand balancing skills, as well as developing her own training programs.