Goddess Pose - Utkata Konasana

Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana or Rudrasana in Sanskrit), also referred to as the Fierce Angle Pose, is an empowering, intermediate-standing level pose. The Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) can also be part of yoga sequences intended for hips, the chest as well as groin. The practice of Goddess Pose, when part of a prenatal yoga sequence, helps to widen the uterus and prepare for delivery during pregnancy. Goddess Pose is considered a base pose as goddess pose variations can be derived from this pose. Goddess Pose helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences.
Pose Detail
- By Type: Hip Opening Yoga Poses, Pregnancy Yoga Poses, Shoulder Opening Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Body Position: Standing Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Stress Relief
Step-by-Step Instructions

Benefits and Contraindications
Strengthens the hips, the lower back and the thigh muscles
Widens the uterus before pregnancy and helps during pregnancy.
Helps to broaden the chest and correct postural defects.
Massages the organs in the abdomen, particularly the kidneys, the ovaries, urinary system and the prostate gland.
Enhances the functioning of organs in the thorax and improves respiration.
Energizes the body, relieves stress and gives a general sense of well-being.
Can relieve menstrual pain and cramps
Should be avoided by those suffering from hip, ankle and knee injuries.
Shoulder problems
Photo poses in different angles

As you practice Rudrasana, be conscious of the feminine energy at work. This energy can be felt throughout your daily life, both as a part of this pose, and also in your alignment of feelings, practices, and mantras everywhere you go.
Frequently Asked Questions
Beginners may start by holding the pose for 30 seconds to a minute, and gradually building up to longer holds as their strength and flexibility improve
The Goddess yoga pose is a more active and strengthening pose compared to other hip-openers like pigeon pose or lizard pose, which focus more on stretching and releasing tension in the muscles.
Individuals with knee injuries may need to modify the pose or avoid it altogether, as it can place strain on the knees. Modifications include using props for support or keeping the feet closer together.
By sinking the hips down towards the ground and engaging the inner thighs, the Goddess yoga pose can help to release tension and tightness in the hips and lower back.
Modifications & Variations
- Goddess Pose With Namaste
- Goddess Pose With Hands In Eagle Pose
- Goddess Pose On A Chair
- Revolved Goddess Pose
- Revolved Goddess Pose With Hands On A Chair
- Revolved Goddess Pose With Hands On A Block
Top Preparatory Poses
- Mountain Pose
- Chair Pose
- Standing Forward Bend Pose
- Garland Pose
- Triangle Pose
- Extended Side Angle Pose
Top Follow-Up Poses
- Revolved Goddess Pose
- Side Lunge Pose
- Intense Leg Stretch Pose (Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold Pose)
- Warrior Pose II
- Bound Angle Pose
- Straight Angle Pose
- Eagle Pose
- Downward Facing Dog Pose