Flying Pigeon Pose - Eka Pada Galavasana

flying pigeon pose - YanvaYoga


Flying Pigeon Pose, also known as Eka Pada Galavasana in Sanskrit is a great yoga pose for increasing arm and core strength, opening your hips, and improving balance. It is not a beginner pose, though you’ll need some solid yoga practice, strength, and balance to do this pose safely and effectively.

Pose Detail

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Place your right ankle just above your left knee. Right knee is now pointing to the right, hips are square. Keep the right foot flexed.
Step 2
Lean forward and place your hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder distance apart and fingers spread wide to get a good grip on the mat.
Step 3
Bend the elbows and ensure they stay right over your wrists. Gaze slightly in front of you. Place the top of the right shin (just below the right knee) on top of your right triceps. Hook the left triceps with the right foot and toes.
Step 4
Shift the weight into your hands and pull your navel up towards your spine to activate your core.
Step 5
When you feel you have control in your hands start to lift up your left foot bringing the heel up towards your seat.
Step 6
Keep your left toes pointed and start straightening the left leg out. You want to try to keep neck-hip-left leg alignment. Your Drishti remains slightly in front of you.
Step 7
To get out of the pose bring the left knee back in and drop the foot down OR push into your hands, release the right leg and jump back into Chaturanga. Come into Child’s pose and rest for a few breaths. Change side.

Benefits and Contraindications


Strengthens the abdominal muscles and arms.

Opens up the hips, inner thighs and stretches the glutes.

Improves balance.


Low blood pressure (hypotension)

Spine, neck, feet, hips, wrists, hands, fingers, legs, knees, pelvis, or ankles injury or recent surgery involving any of these areas

Sciatica or other spine, back, or hip joints injuries

Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props & Tips

Using yoga blocks or a pillow in front of you can help you overcome your fear of falling face down on the floor.

If you feel this pose in your wrists you can, to reduce pressure, roll up a mat and place the palm of the hands on the mat and the fingers on the floor.

If elbows fall out to the sides, wider than your hands/shoulders, you can tighten a strap around your arms just over your elbows to keep them together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Top Preparatory Poses

Iana Varshavska
Iana Varshavska
Website administrator

A digital marketer in love with yoga and everything that goes along with it. In 2021, her huge passion for yoga led her to yoga teacher trainings. After successfully completing her studies, Iana received her Yoga Alliance U.S. certification, left the corporate IT world and devoted herself to the development of Yanva. To be able to create the best online yoga space for yoga enthusiasts like her, Iana is constantly learning and improving her skills in various aspects of yoga philosophy, anatomy and biomechanics. Since 2021, she has continued to attend various types of teacher training, including yoga therapy, gives online and offline classes, and conducts local workshops for people who want to learn more about yoga. At the moment, Iana continues to work on her personal practice, improving her hand balancing skills, as well as developing her own training programs.