One Arm Handstand

One Arm Handstand


A one-arm handstand, also known as a one-handed handstand, is an advanced gymnastic or yoga pose that requires a high level of strength, balance, and control. It involves supporting your entire body weight on one hand while balancing upside down on that hand. Achieving a one-arm handstand requires a great deal of practice and preparation.

Here are some steps to work towards mastering this challenging skill:

Pose Detail

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Master the Handstand: Before attempting a one-arm handstand, you should be able to hold a solid two-handed handstand with good balance and control for an extended period.
Step 2
Develop Core Strength: Strengthen your core muscles through exercises like planks, hollow body holds, and L-sits. A strong core is essential for maintaining balance in a one-arm handstand.
Step 3
Build Shoulder and Arm Strength: Focus on strengthening your shoulders, arms, and wrists through exercises like push-ups, dips, handstand push-ups, and wrist strengthening exercises.
Step 4
Warm-Up: Always warm up thoroughly to prevent injuries. Incorporate wrist mobility exercises and shoulder stretches into your warm-up routine.
Step 5
Wall-Assisted One-Arm Handstand: Begin by practicing against a wall. Place your hands about shoulder-width apart and kick up into a handstand with your feet resting on the wall. Slowly start shifting your weight onto one hand while keeping the other hand close to your body for support. Practice lifting the non-supporting hand off the ground for brief moments while maintaining balance.
Step 6
Gradual Progression: Over time, work on increasing the duration you can hold your non-supporting hand off the ground while in the one-arm handstand position. Use your fingers and wrist on the non-supporting arm to maintain balance, gradually relying less on it as you improve.

Benefits and Contraindications


Strength and Endurance

Balance and Coordination

Mental Focus

Core Stability

Confidence and Achievement


Preexisting Injuries

Hypertension, heart problems, or neurological disorders

High Blood Pressure

Аnxiety, panic attacks, or other mental health issues

Fatigue or Overtraining

Eating Disorders

Useful Tips

  • Counterbalance with Legs:

    Use your legs and hips to counterbalance your weight as you shift to one arm. Experiment with leg positioning to find the most stable balance point.

  • Engage Your Core:

    Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the entire movement to help control your balance.

  • Patience and Practice:
    – Achieving a one-arm handstand takes time and persistence. Regular practice and patience are key to success.
  • Safety Precautions:
    – Always practice in a safe and open area with a soft surface or crash mats to protect yourself in case of a fall.
  • Seek Professional Guidance:
    – Consider working with a qualified gymnastics coach or yoga instructor who has experience with advanced hand balancing techniques to provide guidance and spot you during practice.

Remember that attempting a one-arm handstand can be risky, and progress may be slow. Listen to your body, avoid overexertion, and prioritize safety during your training. Not everyone will be able to achieve a one-arm handstand, so it’s essential to set realistic goals and progress at your own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to master a one-arm handstand?

Mastering a one-arm handstand is a highly advanced skill that requires exceptional strength, balance, and technique. The time it takes to achieve mastery can vary significantly from person to person based on individual factors such as your current level of fitness, prior experience with handstands, and the amount of dedicated practice you put in.

What muscles are involved in a one-arm handstand?

A one-arm handstand requires strong shoulders, triceps, core, and wrist muscles to maintain balance and stability.

Are there any prerequisites for attempting a one-arm handstand?

Yes, you should have a solid handstand, good upper body strength, and wrist mobility. Progressing through one-arm push-ups and other handstand variations can be helpful.

How can I improve my balance in a one-arm handstand?

Balance improvement comes with practice. Focus on your core engagement, gaze, and minor adjustments in finger and wrist pressure to maintain balance.

What are common mistakes to avoid when learning a one-arm handstand?

Common mistakes include overbalancing or underbalancing, not engaging the core, and not maintaining a straight line from wrist to toes.

Do I need specialized equipment to practice one-arm handstands?

While a good gymnastics mat is recommended for safety, you don’t need specialized equipment. A flat, stable surface is sufficient for practicing.

Are there any progressions or drills to help learn a one-arm handstand?

Yes, there are various drills and progressions, including one-arm push-ups, handstand weight shifts, and lowering one leg at a time while in a handstand.

Can anyone learn a one-arm handstand?

While it’s a challenging skill, with dedication and consistent practice, many individuals can learn to perform a one-arm handstand. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain physical limitations or injuries.

Is it necessary to have a coach or spotter when learning a one-arm handstand?

Having a coach or spotter can provide valuable guidance and safety. It’s recommended, especially for beginners and those attempting more advanced variations.

Are there any variations or follow-up poses to explore after mastering a one-arm handstand?

Yes, once you master the one-arm handstand, you can explore various follow-up poses and transitions to add complexity and creativity to your practice.


  • One-Arm Handstand with Bent Legs
  • Straddle One-Arm Handstand
  • Pike One-Arm Handstand
  • One-Arm Handstand on Parallettes
  • One-Arm Handstand to One-Arm Elbow Lever
  • One-Arm Handstand on Various Surfaces

Top Follow-Up Poses

  • One-Arm Handstand to Planche
  • One-Arm Handstand to Straddle Planche
  • One-Arm Handstand to Tuck Planche
  • One-Arm Handstand to L-Sit
  • One-Arm Handstand to Pike Press
  • One-Arm Handstand to Handstand Split
  • One-Arm Handstand to Handstand on Objects
  • One-Arm Handstand to Handstand on Partner
  • One-Arm Handstand to Hollow Back Handstand
  • One-Arm Handstand to Forearm Stand

Vasyl Nikitash
Vasyl Nikitash
Website administrator

Digital marketer, hiker, and yogi. Vasyl started his yoga journey in 2019 when he met Iana Varshavska, also a digital marketer in love with yoga. At that time, Iana was working of launching a site about yoga for yogis, and Vasyl was thinking on launching his own site about hiking. That's when they decided to combine their interests into one big platform that would include the passion of both. That's how Yanva emerged.Now Vasyl is actively working on the development and continuous improvement of Yanva. Together with Iana they are doing their best in creating the space where everyone can feel like home.