Heron Pose - Krounchasana

Heron pose, or krounchasana in Sanskrit, is an unusual seated forward fold. Rather than the head moving toward the leg, the leg is lifted and drawn toward the head. The pose offers similar yet even greater effects than seated forward bend.
The main stretch here is in the hamstrings, so warming them up first is a good idea. You can use this pose as part of a core and abs sequence or one with a focus on the hamstrings or opening the hips.
Pose Detail
- By Type: Flexibility Yoga Poses
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Body Position: Seated Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Stress Relief
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Increases strength and flexibility in the leg joints and muscles
Tones the core
Promotes circulation to the abdominal organs
Stimulates the digestive system
Gives relief to tense hamstrings
Stretches the front of the ankles and hamstrings
Knee, hip, or ankle injuries
Low back pathologies
Photo poses in different angles

Modification, Props and Tips
Use the following props to get stability in Krounchasana.
Yoga block– If you are unable to find stability while sitting with a bent leg, try sitting on a block. Placing a block under your hips will exert less pressure on the bent knee and ease the pose.
Yoga strap– Strap comes handy when you cannot reach your foot while extending it with an erect back. Wrap the strap to the back of the stretched foot. As you lift the leg hold the strap instead of grabbing the foot.
Chair and strap– Place a chair in front of you and use a strap to lift your leg to your maximum limit. Now take support from the chair’s edge touching the raised calf to maintain the lift.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Half Hero Pose
- Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose