Leg Cradle Pose - Hindolasana

Leg Cradle Pose or Hindolasana (Hin-dole-AA-sun-aa) is often used as a warm up for hip opening postures and leg stretches. A simple seated hip opener that gently stretches the hamstrings, pelvic floor muscles, groin, and gluteus maximus, it also helps to release tensions in the lower back and hips due to long hours at a desk. In Sanskrit, “hindola” means swinging cradle, and “asana” means posture or yoga pose.
Pose Detail
- Difficulty: Beginners
- By Type: Flexibility Yoga Poses, Hip Opening Yoga Poses
- Body Position: Seated Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Anxiety And Panic Attack, Yoga Poses For Stress Relief
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Improves posture
Opens the hips
Improves spine and overall flexibility
Reduces stress and anxiety
Strengthens the inner thigh muscles
Calms the mind
Opens the hamstrings and groin
Injury to the hips, knees, lower back, or spine
Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props and Tips
- Beginners should ensure the slow and rhythmic movement in baby cradle pose. Even if it is a beginner’s level asana, cradling your legs fast can result in cramps in the legs or hip region.
- Try to bring your leg as close as you can to your chest. This is important for stretching and feeling the effects of the asana in the abdominal region. Place a folded blanket under the respective hip to lift the folded leg further up.
- A practitioner is required to maintain normal breathing after reaching the final stage of asana.
- If baby cradle causes your lower back to round a lot, or doesn’t feel good for your knee, try a seated figure four stretch instead, planting your feet on the floor and your palms or fingertips on the floor behind you. Lean back (keeping a long spine); cross your right ankle over your left thigh, keeping your right foot flexed; and walk your hands back until you find a position where you’re able to maintain a gentle curve in your lower back.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Easy Pose
- Reclining Cradle Pose
Top Preparatory Pose
Top Follow-Up Pose
- Bound Angle Pose
- Lotus Pose
- seated Foot-Behind-The-Head Pose