Revolved Easy Pose - Parivrtta Sukhasana

Revolved Easy Pose or Parivrtta Sukhasana in Sanskrit, is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Parivrtta (revolve), Sukha (easy or comfortable or joy), and asana (posture or pose). It is called Simple Twist Pose, Simple Cross-Legged Twist, Seated Twist, Easy Twist, or Easy Seated Twist in English.
Parivritta Sukhasana is one of the main poses that help open the hips, and shoulders while lengthening the spine. It can be used as a warm-up before moving on to more intense hip-, heart-opening, and twisting poses. Being a basic pose Parivrtta Sukhasana can be practiced by anyone from absolute beginners to advanced practitioners. The pose increases digestion by massaging the abdominal organs and helps relieve stress.
Pose Detail
- Difficulty: Beginners
- By Type: Restorative Yoga Poses
- Body Position: Seated Yoga Poses, Twist Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Digestion, Yoga Poses For Neck Pain, Yoga Poses For Sciatica, Yoga Poses For Stress Relief
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Helps to increase the flexibility of the upper back and spine.
Stretches the upper chest, hips, neck and shoulders.
Massages the abdominals organs.
Lengthens the torso and spine.
Helps to stimulates the liver and kidneys
Energizes the spine.
Helps to stimulate the Agni (digestive fire).
It is a great pose to get relieve from sciatica, backache and fatigue.
Reduces the stress, tension and anxiety.
serious back, neck, or knee injury
Photo poses in different angles

Easy Pose with Twist can open your chest and shoulders, bringing greater flexibility to your spine. It’s important to feel comfortable while seated in this position, so make the changes you need to feel supported in the pose. Here are a few suggestions:
- If your hips are tight, do not sit flat on the floor! Instead, sit up on a blanket, a pile of firm blankets, a yoga bolster or block, or a meditation pillow. When you sit with your hips above the level of your knees, you reduce the strain and stress on your hips, knees, and back. Sitting propped up will also help to open your groins further and bring your spine into the correct alignment. Practice with different heights of support to find the one that is most comfortable and appropriate for you.
- If your hips are extremely tight, practice this pose seated in a chair. Keep both feet flat on the floor and your knees facing forward. To twist to the right, grasp the back of the chair with your right hand and place your left hand on your right knee. Release back to center; then repeat the twist on the opposite side.
Easy Pose with Twist can add variety to your regular yoga practice. Keep the following information in mind when practicing this pose:
- Maintain a neutral position of your pelvis, balanced equally across both sit bones. To find this position, gently rock forward and back, then shift your hips side-to-side. When you are in a neutral position, your pubic bone and tailbone should be the same distance from the floor, and both sit bones should hold an even distribution of your body’s weight.
- Make sure you change the cross of your legs and twist for the same amount of time in both directions.
- Keep your spine vertical throughout the pose. The crown of your head should maintain its alignment directly over your tailbone.
- Your legs should cross naturally. Do not force them into any position or worry about whether your feet are placed “correctly.” As long as you have a comfortable gap between your feet and your pelvis, and the pose feels comfortable, that is all that matters.
Frequently Asked Questions
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