Half Headstand - Ardha sirsasana

Half Headstand or Ardha Sirsasana (and-Ha shear-SHAHS-anah) in Sanskrit. ‘Ardha’ means ‘half’ and ‘siras’ means ‘head’.
Half Headstand stimulates manipura, visudhdhi, ajna, guru and sahasrara chakras. Stimulation of sahasrara chakra promotes stability and self-awareness. The chakra is also the source of wisdom.
Here, the toes remain on the ground as the yogi builds upper body strength and confidence.
Pose Detail
- Body Position: Arm & Leg Support, Inversion Yoga Poses
- By Type: Balancing Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Digestion, Yoga Poses For Stress Relief
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Calming to the nervous system
Nourishing to the brain cells
Stimulating to the heart and circulation
Balancing to the hormonal and digestive systems
Strengthening to the spirit
Back injury
Heart condition
High or low blood pressure
Neck injury
Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props and Tips
- You can try lifting one leg up to the ceiling and then the other as this is a preparation for the full posture, Sirsasana.
- You can also walk into your elbows with your head lifted to intensify the movement in the shoulders, shoulder-blades and upper back.
- Make sure the crown of the head is centered firmly on the mat or blanket and you are not rolling too far onto the forehead or the back of the head. Make sure the clasped hands are supporting the back of the head.
- Dolphin Pose
- Headstand Pose
- Squeezing Pose
- One Legged Headstand Pose