Standing Wind Relieving Pose - Utthita Vayu Muktasana

Standing Wind Relieving Pose also known as the Utthita Vayu Muktasana, is a standing yoga posture that helps to relieve gas and bloating from the stomach and intestines. The name of this pose is derived from the Sanskrit words “Utthita” meaning extended, “Vayu” meaning wind, “Mukta” meaning release, and “Asana” meaning posture.
A healthy colon is the foundation for total body health. When your digestive tract is clogged with toxins it creates room for bacteria and viruses. Modern lifestyle and poor eating habits damage your digestive tract and increase your risk of developing many illnesses.
This asana will help you release all waste and toxins from your digestive tract. I recommend everyone to practice this pose every morning.
Also this asana improves blood circulation, strengthens the abdominal muscles and mIt strengthens the back muscles and tones the muscles of the arms. It also strengthens and tones the legs.
Pose Detail
- By Type: Balancing Yoga Poses, Restorative Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Body Position: Standing Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Digestion
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Helps to release gas and bloating in the stomach and intestines
Stimulates the digestive system, promoting healthy digestion
Helps to improve balance and stability.
Strengthens the legs, hips, and lower back.
Hip or lower back injuries
High blood pressure knee
Modifications and Props for Beginners
- You can use a chair for support. Place chair next to the standing leg and rest your hand on it for balance.
- You can use a strap or a towel to hold your foot if you have difficulty reaching it with your hand.
- If you have low back pain, you can perform this pose with your back against a wall for support.
Useful Tips
- Keep your core engaged and your gaze focused on a fixed point to maintain balance.
- Take slow, deep breaths to help release any tension in your body and stay grounded.
- Keep your standing leg straight and engage your thigh muscles to prevent hyperextension of the knee.
Frequently Asked Questions
Utthita Vayu Muktasana can be challenging for beginners, especially if they have difficulty balancing on one leg. It’s important to start with modifications or preparatory poses to build up strength and balance before attempting the full expression of the pose.
It’s best to consult with a doctor or a prenatal yoga instructor before practicing Utthita Vayu Muktasana during pregnancy. The pose may not be suitable for women in their third trimester or those with balance issues.
If you experience pain or discomfort, you should come out of the pose immediately and modify or skip it as necessary. It’s important to listen to your body and only perform poses that feel safe and comfortable for you.
Hold Utthita Vayu Muktasana for a few breaths on each side, gradually working up to holding the pose for longer periods of time as your practice improves.
- Wind Relieving Pose
- Half Wind Release Pose
- Standing Wind Relieving Pose At The Wall
- Standing Wind Relieving Pose With A Chair