Cow Pose - Bidalasana

Cow Pose or Bitilasana (Bit-ill-AH-sun-ah)is an easy, gentle way to warm up the spine before a more vigorous practice.
Bitilasana (Cow Pose), a backbend, is commonly paired with Marjaryasana (Cat Pose) at the beginning of a vinyasa flow to warm up your body—especially your spine—for other poses. Cow helps relieve tension in your upper body, especially in your back, shoulders, and neck, and it gently massages the spine to increase mobility.
Pose Detail
- Body Position: Arm & Leg Support
- Difficulty: Beginners
- By Type: Flexibility Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Digestion, Yoga Poses For Neck Pain
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Improves the flexibility of the spine
Relieves tensions around the lower back, middle back, neck and shoulders
Engages the core muscles to the maximum, making it strong
Strengthens the arms, shoulders and the wrists
Strengthens the hip joints, the knee joints and the shoulder joints
Gently massages the abdominal muscles, thereby improving digestion
Improves the body posture
Arthritis of the knee and wrists
Injury of the shoulders, wrists, neck, hip, knee and the back
Blood Pressure
Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props and Tips
- If you have difficulty putting pressure on your knees, either fold up the side of the mat or place a blanket over the mat for extra padding.
- For sensitive wrists, make a fist and support your weight with the tops of the fingers. Be sure you are rebounding by pressing into the floor and lifting your torso up, maintaining space in your joints. You can also use a small cloth under the heel of the hand to take pressure off the wrists.
- If you experience notable discomfort even with these modifications, practice a seated variation of bidalsansa:
- Sit on your mat with feet on the floor in front of you, knees pointed up. Hold below the knee, on the shins. Inhale and start the movement with your tailbone to expand your chest forward, neck lengthens and gaze up. Exhale as you round your back, gaze in towards your belly button.
- Repeat 5 rounds with the breath.