Mexican Handstand


The Mexican Handstand embodies an advanced posture that consistently leaves a remarkable impact. This pose, often referred to as a reverse handstand, involves a profound arching backward motion that engages the entire kinetic chain, with a particular emphasis on the shoulders. The crucial aspect here lies in the comprehensive opening of every facet of the body, transcending the convenience of tackling only the more accessible parts.

Pose Detail

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1
Warm-Up: Begin with a thorough warm-up to prepare your shoulders, wrists, and spine. Incorporate stretches and movements that target these areas to ensure they're adequately limbered up for the pose.
Step 2
Shoulder Mobility Exercises:To achieve the arching motion of the Mexican Handstand, work on enhancing your shoulder mobility. Incorporate shoulder stretches, wall walks, and shoulder-opening yoga poses like Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) or Garudasana (Eagle Pose).
Step 3
Wrist Strengthening and Flexibility: Given the weight-bearing nature of handstands, ensure your wrists are strong and flexible. Perform wrist stretches and strengthening exercises to improve wrist mobility and endurance.
Step 4
Basic Handstand Proficiency: Before attempting the Mexican Handstand, it's essential to have a solid foundation in traditional handstands. Practice kicking up into a straight handstand against a wall to establish your balance and comfort in the inverted position.
Step 5
Hip Flexor and Backbend Preparation: Engage in stretches that target your hip flexors and open up your back. Poses like Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) and Ustrasana (Camel Pose) can help improve hip and back flexibility, which is crucial for the deep arch of the Mexican Handstand.
Step 6
Begin with Wall Assistance: Practice the Mexican Handstand with the support of a wall. Start by kicking up into a traditional handstand facing the wall, then gently arch your back and allow your extended hand to touch the ground behind you. Gradually work on holding this position and finding your balance.
Step 7
Engaging the Core: Focus on engaging your core muscles to maintain stability and control in the pose. A strong core will help you balance as you shift your weight onto one hand.
Step 8
Gradual Progression: As you become more comfortable with the wall-assisted Mexican Handstand, work on gradually reducing your reliance on the wall. Aim to find balance with minimal support while maintaining proper alignment and the arching shape.

Benefits and Contraindications


Shoulder and Wrist Strength

Core Engagement


Body Awareness

Innovation and Creativity


Shoulder, Wrist, Neck or Back Issues

Lack of Shoulder Mobility

Lack of Core Strength

Inexperience with Handstands

Hip Flexor Tightness

High Blood Pressure or Heart Conditions


Useful Tips

  • Master the Basics:
    Before attempting a Mexican handstand, make sure you have a solid foundation in traditional handstands. You should be able to hold a handstand against the wall and in the open for a considerable amount of time.
  • Build Strength:
    Mexican handstands require exceptional core, shoulder, and wrist strength. Incorporate exercises like planks, push-ups, shoulder presses, and wrist stretches into your routine to build the necessary strength.
  • Gradual Progression:
    Don’t rush the process. Progression in the Mexican handstand takes time. Gradually decrease the support you rely on, whether it’s a wall or a spotter, as you become more confident.
  • Patience and Consistency:
    Achieving a Mexican handstand is a long-term goal. Stay patient and consistent in your practice. Regular practice sessions, even if they’re short, can make a significant difference over time.
  • Focus on Form:
    Maintain proper form throughout your practice. A straight line from your fingers to your toes is essential for balance and stability.
  • Safety First:
    Always prioritize safety. If you feel unstable or are losing control, it’s okay to come out of the handstand to avoid injuries.

Final Thoughts

Remember, mastering the Mexican handstand takes time, dedication, and patience. Celebrate your small victories along the way and enjoy the learning process. If you have specific concerns or questions, consulting a fitness professional or coach can provide you with personalized guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to master a Mexican handstand?

The time it takes to master a Mexican handstand varies from person to person. It depends on your current fitness level, prior experience, and the amount of dedicated practice you put in. It can take months or even years of consistent practice to achieve mastery.

How do I prevent wrist pain during Mexican handstand training?

Wrist pain can be common when practicing handstands. To prevent it, ensure you warm up your wrists before training, gradually increase the time you spend on your hands, perform wrist stretches, and listen to your body. If you experience pain, give your wrists adequate rest and consider consulting a professional.

What should I do if I'm having trouble with balance in the Mexican handstand?

Balance is a common challenge. Practice against a wall, use a partner or spotter, and focus on engaging your core for stability. Small adjustments in finger pressure and body position can also help you find your balance point.

Are there any safety tips I should keep in mind?

Safety is crucial. Always practice near a wall or with a spotter. Progress gradually and avoid pushing yourself too hard too soon. If you feel unstable, it’s better to come out of the handstand to avoid injury.

How often should I practice Mexican handstands?

Consistent practice is important, but don’t overdo it. Start with a few minutes every day and gradually increase the duration. Allow your muscles and joints to recover to prevent overuse injuries.

What can I do if I hit a plateau in my progress?

Plateaus are normal in any skill development. To overcome them, vary your training routine, incorporate new exercises, work on specific weaknesses, and consider seeking guidance from experienced coaches.

Can I learn the Mexican handstand without prior handstand experience?

It’s recommended to have a strong foundation in regular handstands before attempting the Mexican handstand. This ensures you have the necessary strength, balance, and understanding of the basic mechanics.

Variations and Progressions

  • Mexican Handstand with Straight Legs
  • Press to Mexican Handstand
  • Mexican Handstand to Mexican Forearm Stand

Top Follow-Up Exercises

  • Straddle Mexican Handstand
  • Pike Mexican Handstand Presses
  • Mexican Handstand Straightening the Legs
  • Forearm Mexican Stand

Iana Varshavska
Iana Varshavska
Website administrator

A digital marketer in love with yoga and everything that goes along with it. In 2021, her huge passion for yoga led her to yoga teacher trainings. After successfully completing her studies, Iana received her Yoga Alliance U.S. certification, left the corporate IT world and devoted herself to the development of Yanva. To be able to create the best online yoga space for yoga enthusiasts like her, Iana is constantly learning and improving her skills in various aspects of yoga philosophy, anatomy and biomechanics. Since 2021, she has continued to attend various types of teacher training, including yoga therapy, gives online and offline classes, and conducts local workshops for people who want to learn more about yoga. At the moment, Iana continues to work on her personal practice, improving her hand balancing skills, as well as developing her own training programs.