Swaying Palm Tree Pose - Tiryaka Tadasana

Swaying Palm Tree Pose or Tiryaka Tadasana (tir-yah-kah TAH-DAH-sah-nah) is a variation of Mountain Pose or Tadasana. Is a very good stretching pose which very easy to perform as compared to other stretching postures. Tiryaka Tadasana or Swaying Palm Tree Pose is also used in the practice of shankhaprakshalana.
Shankhaprakshalana is one of the six cleansing techniques known as ‘shatkarma’. It is the practice through which the stomach and intestine are cleaned naturally using water. It comprises of five asanas to be practised, one of the five asanas is Tiryaka Tadasana.
Pose Detail
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Stretches the abdomen and intestines
Opens the chest
Helps with spinal alignment
Stretches the spine and clears congestion in the spinal nerves
Improves focus and concentration
Improves balance
Slip disc
Severe back pain
Hypertension and vertigo
Heart diseases
Severe cervicak pain
Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props and Tips
- While inhaling, elongate the spine upwards to allow more space between the vertebrate.
- Squeeze the shoulder blades together to lift the chest.
- Keep breathing at the thoracic region.
- Engage the back muscles to keep the spine in neutral position.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Mountain Pose
- Swaying Palm Tree Pose Block
- Mountain Pose With Feet Hip-Distance Apart
Top Preparatory Pose
- Mountain Pose
- Standing Cat Cow Pose