Frog Pose - Bhekasana

Frog Pose or Bhekasana is an intermediate-level stretching and bending exercise, that stretches your whole body and provides amazing flexibility to the whole body.
As its name suggests, the body posture in Frog Pose resembles a frog (Bheka), that’s why we call it Frog Pose or Bhekasana.
This asana removes stiffness of the joints, especially of the lower body, and provides it good mobility. Practising it daily has an awesome effect on our overall body shape and posture.
Pose Detail
- Body Position: Backbend Yoga Poses, Prone Yoga Poses
- By Type: Chest Opening Yoga Poses, Flexibility Yoga Poses, Hip Opening Yoga Poses, Shoulder Opening Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Digestion
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Strengthens back muscles
Opens hips and shoulders
Strengthens inner thighs (adductors)
Massages inner organs and improves digestion
Stretches quadriceps, tibialis anterior (front shin muscles), keens, ankles and Achilles tendon
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Rotator cuff injuries
Injuries to lower back and knee
Stomach and intestine related ailments
Photo poses in different angles

Modifications and Props for Beginners
- Place a folded blanket or bolster under your hips to provide additional support and lift. This can help you maintain proper alignment in the pose and prevent strain or discomfort.
- If you have a yoga partner, they can assist you by gently pressing down on your feet while you lift your chest and head off the ground. This can help you deepen the stretch in your hips.
- To maintain proper alignment in Frog pose, engage your core muscles and draw your navel towards your spine. This can help prevent lower back pain and discomfort.
- You can use yoga blocks to prop up your chest and head to make the pose more comfortable.
Useful Tips
- Take your time moving in and out of the pose, and don’t push yourself beyond your limits.
- Remember to breathe deeply and relax into the pose as much as possible.
- Half Frog Pose
- Standing Half Frog Pose
- Frog Pose With Blocks