Dancing Shiva Pose - Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana

Dancing Shiva Pose, Revolved Hand To Big Toe or Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana in Sanskrit (Parivrtta = Revolved; Utthita = extended; Hasta = hand; Pada = foot, Angusta = big toe; Asana = Pose) is an advanced yoga pose, and the journey to getting it can be incredibly empowering. In its full expression, you stand on one leg while extending the other leg parallel to the floor; holding on the big toe of the lifted leg with the opposite arm, you twist and look behind you, opening your arm.
Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana is an excellent posture to explore your balance while strengthening your entire standing leg, stretching the hamstrings and IT band of your lifted leg, opening your chest, and building focus and stamina.
Pose Detail
- Difficulty: Advanced, Intermediate
- By Type: Balancing Yoga Poses, Chest Opening Yoga Poses, Flexibility Yoga Poses, Hip Opening Yoga Poses, Strengthening Yoga Poses
- Body Position: Standing Yoga Poses, Twist Yoga Poses
- By Benefit: Yoga Poses For Digestion, Yoga Poses For Stress Relief
Step-by-Step Instructions
Benefits and Contraindications
Opens the hips
Energizes the body and mind
Tones abdominal organs and improves digestion
Strengthens the legs and core
Stretches and improves spinal flexibility
Improves balance
Improves mental focus
Calms the mind
Hip pathologies
Low back pathologies
Limited hip range of motion
Ankle, knee, or shoulder injury
Photo poses in different angles

Modifications, Props and Tips For Beginners
- Place a strap around your lifted foot to create more space.
- Reach your back hand to a wall for extra support.
- Keep your gaze forward or to the side to help with balance.
- Keep your back hand on your hip for added stability.
Dancing Shiva Pose on the floor
If you’re looking for a pose that embodies a dancing or dynamic quality and can be done on the floor, you might consider incorporating elements of movement and expression into your practice.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Revolved Half Moon Pose
- Dancing Shiva Pose With Straps